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February 03, 2003
4:25 p.m.

What A Blah-Day

Today I didn't feel beautiful...

I wore my make-up, did my hair, put on comfortable clothes, and even remembered my belt.

Nothing went wrong, I just didn't feel beautiful. I felt very...average.

I felt artsy, though; with my black, choppy hair, layered clothes, red lipstick, and reading my book in the lunchline. I guess I just felt anti-social...and I didn't smile much today, and when I did...I think it was fake.

I'm really am wondering if it's because no one flirted with me today, I mean you have the usual guy friends, but it didn't mean anything. I hope I'm not basing my self-worth on what guys think of me...nah...I think I just had a blah day.

I hate fake smiling, and I hope I feel beautiful again tomorrow.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .