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July 07, 2003
5:16 p.m.

I Can Feel The Rejection Already

I'm at work having thoughts of entries I'll write about you

about your wonderfulness

about how great you treat me

and lying to myself the whole time

I'm at work having thoughts of the entries I'll write where I convince myself to let go because it will never work

I envision myself crying over you because you tell me what I already know, and you could never love me.

You're everything I want, right?

You promised you'd call and you haven't...don't make this hard.

I don't want to hurt at all this time.

It's best if we just...don't.

Because I have this thing with commitment...I clasp on like it's my last heart on Zelda. I'll do anything.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .