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3:55 p.m.

Moms and Jesus

Christmas at my house...could things be any more hectic? Perverted uncles, fattening food, crappy gifts, and fake love.

But underneath it all we're just relatives trying to relate. Trying to please one God. Most of you pretending to know him, b/c it's expected in this household. Even if you never knew the real meaning of Christmas, my mother is sure to explain it, even if you're not willing to accept it. And even if you don't love it, you'll love her, and listening to her, seeing the glow in her eyes as she talks about her Savior.

I hope one day you won't just be happy for her, but join her in a joyous off-key melody. Moms and Jesus, you're both so wonderful; I hope one day you can teach her to accept me like always have. You've known who I am, she's just now finding out, and I think it makes her cry at night.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .