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May 14, 2003
1:43 a.m.


I'm not sure why that hurts me at all because I never did anything wrong. But after all that's happened you finally call me a bitch. I bet that was a relief...b/c I did nothing wrong. Whew! I'm going to apologize but I"m not going to argue about it b/c you know nothing about Casey. I've kissed once in my life if that even counts. If pulling away counts. Stephen has been my only relationship and I got my heart torn out. I never used you. No one begged you to go to prom with me, don't act like it was a favor now...something you didn't want to do. You were excited. I hate that you get like this when you're mad. That's one of the reasons I could never be with you. You get irrational when something ticks you off...and I don't even know what it is this time. Yeah I'll copy and paste something...but not to my "guy friends" just on here. I hope you read this. I haven't called you an asshole for months probably. I am not mad. Nope, no reason to call you a name. The only thing I've said recently about you is that you are "so fucking sweet" lol sorry for the insult kid. Why the hell are you mad again? Because I'm interested in a boy? ooooo A boy I've never met? A boy you know nothing about? Who I know nothing about? We're not even dating. Go ahead and write about Paige in an attempt to make me jealous. It's not working, Jeff. I care about you so much DON'T SAY I DON'T I just can't love you that way....but you don't have to tear me down for it...b/c I did nothing wrong.

Quotes from Jeff from....hmm...last night?

"i still care a lot about you, even though sometimes it seems like i hate you. i just wish that things were different."

"i wish i wouldn't have met you because i'd still be in love. in love with a sweet, beautiful girl who liked me. ...and i liked that girl so much that 4 months later he's saying the same thing, saying that he still likes her even though he doesn't feel like she likes him sometimes."

" i don't get where i come across liking you after all of the arguments we've had and all the crap we've gone through...but those things have happened, and i still would fight for you with every ouce of strength i have."

"i just wish that you would realize that i adore are a beautiful girl...but i just want you to know also that it is hard as hell for me to take a lot of what you've given me. i just want conversation back...because i miss it so freaking much."

You tell me Jeff...did I really lose a dependable friend? I'm so not angry about this...just a bit hurt...b/c you've done this before. I'm tired of defending my feelings. I can't help it. I tried. Don't fucking tell me I didn't try. I could have gone to prom alone and been just fine.

I care about you, I don't care what you say....or maybe I do..and that's why I wrote this. We'll go with the latter.

PS I cried. B/c I've realized....I'm not a bitch at all. Thank you for always reassuring me...even if you take it back now. It hurts a bit.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .